About Forestry Australia Publications
Forestry Australia currently distributes four different types of publications:
- Australian Forestry, Forestry Australia’s quarterly peer-reviewed journal
- The Forester, Forestry Australia’s bi-monthly online newsletter (on hold)
- A fortnightly e-News
- Australian Forest Grower Annual
The Forester
The Forester is currently on hold. It is best suited to articles about people and news, and reports on events. newsletter also provides a forum for opinion and anecdote, and technical information. It also provides a vehicle for advertisers to take their message directly to foresters.
For more information about The Forester, click HERE

Australian Forestry
Australian Forestry is the quarterly journal of Forestry Australia, publishing peer-reviewed research articles since 1936. Australian Forestry is compiled and edited by Forestry Australia, partnering with Taylor & Francis who produce and distribute it both online and in a printed version.
Forestry Australia members receive full access to the journal as part of their annual membership subscription, members can also order printed versions of the journal. Members need to log in to the Forestry Australia website and visit the Australian Forestry Journal page of this website in order to access the journal.
Non-members can purchase a subscription via Taylor & Francis, individual papers may be downloaded for a charge as well.
Australian Forestry is a Green/Gold Open Access journal. The journal is marketed through the Taylor and Francis network and indexed in both the Journal Citation Reports and Scopus, ensuring maximum reach and online discoverability for authors.
No advertising material is accepted for this publication.