Forest Growers Committee

Forest Growers Levy – Submission

Thank you to our Forestry Australia members who participated in the registration process for the forest growers levy last year. The final submission for the proposal was sent to the Assistant Minister for Forestry and Fisheries early in July 2021.

Forest Growers RD&E and biosecurity funding boost – change to levy

Australian Forest Growers and the Institute of Foresters of Australia (IFA/AFG) have been consulted by the AFPA Growers Research Advisory Committee (GRAC) on an initiative to increase R & D and biosecurity funding for the forest sector.  As a result of this consultation, Australia’s forest growers are being asked to support an increase to the sector’s R&D and biosecurity levy to increase the sector’s commitment to research, development and extension (RD&E) and biosecurity.

Working with governments, AFPA, Forest and Wood Products Australia (FWPA) and Plant Health Australia (PHA) developed an RD&E and biosecurity strategy that, if supported across the sector through an increase to the forest grower levy, will grow the value of the industry, boost productivity, lower costs, increase resilience and reduce losses from drought, fire, pests and diseases.

AFPA is proposing an increase of $0.135 per m3 to the forest grower levy rate, which will be divided as follows:

  • an increase to the forestry RD&E levy from $0.05 to $0.135 per m3, to significantly increase investment in forestry research through FWPA and
  • an increase to the PHA biosecurity levy from $0.005 per m3 to $0.05 per m3 to protect our trees and forests against the threat of exotic pests.

As a result of the IFA/AFG consultation the proposal would impact growers if their thinning or harvest exceeds 20,000 cu m in any one financial year.  It is proposed that small annual harvest volumes (< 20,000 cu m) are not subject to the levy.

Click HERE to read more about the proposal

The proposed levy increase needs to be agreed upon and voted on by a majority of forest growers who participate before it can be submitted to government, with a request for funding matching.

Members are encouraged to register to be part of the voting process and participate in the consultation process – registrations close 6 November 2020.

Forest Grower Committee

Lachie McCaw (Chair)
Kevin Harding
Nigel Calvert
Rowan Reid
Mike Rautenbach
Mark Wright
Paul Ojansuu
Philippa Noble
Hanna Lillicrap

Pruned Certification Scheme

Australian Forest Growers managed the Pruned Stand Certification (PSC) which provided growers with an assessment and certification system that quantified the quality of pruned logs in a stand, so that a premium payment could be received for the high value logs.

Forestry Australia continues to maintain these records but no longer offers the scheme.  If you require information or access to records, contact