Partner Organisations

The Institute of Foresters of Australia currently holds membership or has reciprocal arrangements with a number of other like minded organisations within Australia and internationally. Links to these organisations have been provided for IFA members.

New Zealand Institute of Forestry

The IFA works closely with NZIF and every four years hold a joint conference, badged ANZIF. The venues for ANZIF conferences alternate between New Zealand and Australia. In recognition of the closeness of the sector, some forestry professionals hold dual membership. In 2013 both organisations are working to strengthen their relationship.

IUCN – International Union for Conservation of Nature

Australia is a State member of IUCN and the IFA is a member.

Commonwealth Forestry Association

The IFA has close ties with the Commonwealth Forestry Association and there are people who are members of both CFA and IFA.  In 2013 the CFA awarded their highest award at the IFA conference dinner.

International Society of Tropical Foresters

The newsletters of the ISTF are regularly circulated to members of the IFA Tropical Forestry Special Interest Group. If you would like to be included on this distribution list, please contact the IFA National Office of