Farm & Agroforestry
Projects to support farm forestry and agroforestry in Australia
Forestry Australia is seeking proposals for projects that will support farm forestry and agroforestry in Australia. The funding is made available from Forestry Australia’s Grower Reserve Fund, with up to $ 10,000 available per project.
Applications for projects will be considered according to the following principles:
- clearly promoting the interests of private growers and advocating for improvements in legislation, policy, codes of practice and other instruments that affect tree growing and private forestry.
- encouraging interaction and communication between members and the development of expanded networks.
- enabling growth in grower membership of Forestry Australia.
- being accessible to a broad range of members, while recognising the need to cater for diversity in regional settings and grower interests throughout Australia.
- providing longevity of benefit to members by making information available through stable and secure platforms such as websites, searchable databases and bibliographies.
Opportunities to maintain and grow the fund will be pursued to the extent that resources allow and where these are consistent with the principles of Forestry Australia.
Please note: The Grower Reserve Fund will generally not be used to cover expenses that could reasonably be expected to be met from other sources – e.g. catering or food costs for meetings and events that can be recouped via an event cover charge.
The project must meet one or more of the following criteria:
- Benefit Forestry Australia’s forest grower members
- To provide resources, produce educational information or undertake projects to support forest growing.
- To support Forestry Australia members and branches to conduct field days, mini-conferences, seminars on forest growing.
- To increase the number of grower members of Forestry Australia and,
- To support and encourage Australians to grow more trees.
Submissions close: COB Friday 21 April 2023
Click HERE for more information including selection criteria and proposal inclusions.