Breakout #6: Student presentations
Chair: Kevin Harding
Cooperation in small-scale forestry in Tasmania: Insights from behavioural economics
Zoya Cheraghi, University of Tasmania
To download a copy of the presentation, click HERE
Are there habitat thresholds for bird diversity in landscapes with eucalypt plantations?
Eliza Thompson, University of Melbourne
To download a copy of the presentation, click HERE
Relating to fire: Enhancing inter and multi-disciplinary inputs for proactive forest fire research through a common understanding of fire
Jady Smith, University of the Sunshine Coast
To download a copy of the presentation, click HERE
Exploring the influence of host species on the growth and development of hemi parasitic Santalum species
Duc Bui, University of the Sunshine Coast
To download a copy of the presentation, click HERE
Identification of candidate genes controlling wood quality traits of eucalyptus pellita
Listya Mustika Dewi, University of Melbourne