2021 National Conference

Your Forests, Our Future

11 – 14 October 2021
Country Club Tasmania, Launceston

Thank you to the more than 450 delegates that attended the 2021 Forestry Australian National Conference. 173 people participated in Launceston Tasmania in person and 280 participated online to hear over 150 speakers and 50 hours of programming. Feedback about the conference has been incredibly positive. Thanks to the speakers, sponsors, Organising Committee and everyone who participated.

The theme of the conference Your Forests, Our Future highlighted that Australia’s forests are for the benefit of everyone. Forests deliver many social, cultural, financial and environmental benefits, but their continued ability to provide these benefits depends on effective management and conservation. Through improved collaboration, sharing information, knowledge and skills and with the innovative use of technology and engagement of communities, forest scientists, managers, owners and other stakeholders will be better equipped to manage all types of forests across all tenures, including urban and farm forests.

Draft Conference Resolutions, call for Feedback

In the final session of the 2021 National Conference, nine resolutions were presented to delegates for their consideration. The key themes of these resolutions included:

1. Our new name, Forestry Australia
2. Calling for a new vision for Australia’s forests
3. Measurable outcomes and key performance indicators for fire management
4. Traditional Owners and forests
5. Diversity
6. Forest and trees on farms
7. Forests as a natural climate solution
8. Natural Capital Accounting
9. Forestry Education

To view resolutions, click HERE
To provide your feedback, click HERE